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Pescara, June 20-21, 2024, Aurum. Fabbrica delle Idee Largo Gardone Riviera

The Aurum of Pescara is preparing to host the international conference Ex-mind, organized by the Department of Architecture at the “G. d'Annunzio” University of Pescara, in collaboration with four other departments of the university.

The project, titled "Extended MIND: Models for the Design of the Human Environment," funded by the European Union, aims to lay the groundwork for the development of an innovative and transnational Master's program based on the paradigm of perception extended to the body and space as a design tool, focusing specifically on the analysis, interpretation, and application of this paradigm in the design of the built and social environments of cities and to investigate their effects on the human being. In a transdisciplinary approach, knowledge from architecture, urban planning, neuroscience, and behavioral economics will intertwine, creating intriguing connections that help us better understand our interactions with space.

The project involves various European higher education institutions in an interdisciplinary and transnational manner, aiming to expand knowledge, develop new educational models, and stimulate socio-behavioral change.

This event represents the central moment of this ambitious project, as well as an important opportunity to define the content and approaches of the future Master's program and identify research perspectives together with professors and researchers from the departments of Architecture, Psychological Sciences, Health and Territory, Philosophical, Educational and Economic-Quantitative Sciences, and Neuroscience, Imaging, and Clinical Sciences.

The conference, open to everyone, will involve the leading experts in the field worldwide, providing them with the opportunity to share and test their research, defining a broad and advanced framework on the proposed themes concerning physical, virtual, and open spaces.

The opening of the event is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, starting at 2pm, with greetings from the Director of the Department of Architecture, Paolo Fusero, and will continue the following day with the introduction to the closing remarks by the Mayor of Pescara, Carlo Masci.

Professors Lorenzo Pignatti and Pierluigi Sacco, who are coordinating the event, emphasize the importance of these topics: "With this conference, Pescara is at the center of a necessary debate that places neural and well-being connections, extending beyond the mind and body, at the heart of design disciplines. Just as cognition is not confined to the brain but emerges from the coupling of mind, body, and context, so too is architectural experience a multisensory encounter between the built environment and lived experience. The potential of these theories in education is more relevant and unique than ever."

Press release EX MIND
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Funded by the European Union
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