Representative Image
1. Normally, in this kind of workshops, each team delivers a proposal with images that represents a concept for the transformation of given place (at least in the public space). For this exercise, we propose to select one image from bird view (the same for all the teams) to represent the general proposal for the public space and its transformation from the image of the current state. It is possible (and desiderable) to select another real image of the current state from the point of view of a person that would be used to represent the proposal but it should be decided together so that it will be used by at least 4 teams.
2. In the development of the project, every team should consider the information that they can get using their senses and intuition, their feelings of the place. It is also important that every team draw some draft maps, at least of the public space, (there is no need to be precise, they could only use their senses) containing personal analysis of variables as intensity of sound (and kind of noise), lighting and shadows, wind direction and intensity, smells, colors, hard or soft surfaces, humidity, temperature… and everything the team considered relevant, before and after the intervention.
1. Selecting 1 or 2 images from each team (belonging to the diversity of BIP selected places) will be useful in a research activity to compare the different proposed transformations from the neuro architectural point of view.
2. The second objective is to demonstrate how the intuition and the trained senses of the architect students are always key elements in this topic. The analysis will be made by a team of researchers linked to ExMind once the workshop finished.
Each design team will decide 1 or 2 point of views (images of the current state) as explained, with the supervision of an invited researcher from Malaga University conducting this research (Prof. Javier Castellano) and the opinion of the tutors that want to help in this activity.